Canned Food Drive

Partnering With Barbershop Hwy 81

We are continuously collecting 9- 6:30 pm

Drop off location at 2538 Hwy 81 Covington, GA 30016

Green Beans String beans

White Corn Yellow Corn

Carrots Peas

Variety of Canned Goods

Tuna Greens Beets Pork & Beans

Chili Beans Stewed Tomatoes

Goals: 500 cans in 30 days.

Together We Could Do This!!!!!

Exceeded our Goal: 629 Canned Food Items

Newton County

Willingness to bring in the blesssings

Giving in full Affect

Ready to give to the community.

In abundance


Rockdale County

Preparation for delivery

You can donate canned goods on a regular basis. Our shelters are always in need of non-perishable foods.